10 Apr The World’s first ST 22 Base Construction Panel

With excitement and pride, Signature Turf is sharing the first images of the world’s first Installation of the ST 22 Base construction panel. This purpose-designed artificial grass base panel is the result of an ever-growing collaboration between two business owners: James Lim from Uniseal (UnisealSG) and Chris Kooijman from Signature Turf Malaysia as we began in 2019.
A big thank you to Uniseal believing in our vision and believing that there is more to Artificial Grass then just the product. Long lasting systems cater for all kinds of requirements not the least compression, stability, drainage, re-useability and temperature impact with above all cost efficiency over their life span or ideally multi generational.
From now our panels are tried and tested and available to the world to be used for fast, reliable and cost-efficient base construction.