27 May Artificial Grass with FastFlow drainage
When choosing artificial turf, you have to consider more than just its looks. Like drainage capacity for instance, if after heavy rainfall the turf does not drain fast enough you can imagine the kind of issues that may occur.
At Signature Turf we realise the importance of a good drainage system. That’s why we’ve developed our special FastFlow turf solution. Signature Turf products have a drainage capacity that’s 200% better than any other product in the market.
Don’t forget the subbase
Besides perfect draining artificial grass you need to think about the subbase as well. After heavy rain, the water will need to go somewhere after it passed through the carpet. For instance, if you have your artificial grass installed on a concrete surface, the water will still accumulate as it won’t be able to go through the concrete base. So you’ll need more than just well-draining turf.
Make sure you take this into account when you plan your artificial grass project. Especially when you are installing on a rooftop or balcony. For this purpose we offer our DrainPanel system. We’ll sort your drainage issue so you can simply enjoy your artificial grass.